Welcome to EnerLink Online! Download our catalogue to help you source product faster today


Shop our catalogue

If a supplier has hundreds of thousands of different SKUs in their catalogue, but only a few of each item on the shelf, that’s unhelpful. EnerLink is different. We have several hundred items in our Product Catalogue, representing the most commonly needed parts. We stock large quantities of most of the items found in our catalogue.

You can also search all the products in our system, and submit an RFQ.

Please fill in the form below to download our catalogue.

(Don’t worry we don’t do the spam thing. We require this information so that we can verify that you have received the information you are requesting and provide updates on future catalogue releases.)

We can help you access products faster!

Please use this form to offer stock suggestions:

A portfolio like no other

EnerLink has chosen to work with manufacturing partners that fit our model of serving customers. We are the exclusive stocking agency in Canada for these manufacturers. Contact us for drawings and data sheets.


Warehouse: (877) 553-1198


4744 94 Ave NW
Edmonton, Alberta T6B 2T3


Monday – Friday:  8am – 4:30pm
Saturday & Sunday: Closed
*Closed statutory holidays


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